The town of Chappell was named for a railroad construction engineer, Charles Henry Chappell, who, as the story is told, had supplies sent to him and his crew along the railroad line with the command, “send this shipment out to Chappell”.
The locality became known as “Chappell” from the time when there was only a box car on a siding and a crude cabin or tow.
The town of Chappell was platted in 1884 and registered September 19th of that year by J.B. Carmichael. Then began the land office business of selling lots with prices ranging from $4 to $20 per lot.
Chappell was incorporated as a village, the first in Deuel County, September 10, 1907, 23 years after it was platted and registered. The first trustees of Chappell, named by the county commissioners, were Fred Sudman, H.I. Babcock, Oran B. Bower, John Wertz, and Charles Soeten.
There have been the usual small town businesses over the years, including three banks, one being Deuel County State Bank, which is now Points West Community Bank. Chappell has continuously had a weekly newspaper, “The Chappell Register”, since 1887. There are several businesses in town, a medical clinic and nursing home, Creek Valley School system, and several churches. A great golf course, small lake and park system attracts people to visit Chappell. The citizens take pride in the homes and their town.
The locality became known as “Chappell” from the time when there was only a box car on a siding and a crude cabin or tow.
The town of Chappell was platted in 1884 and registered September 19th of that year by J.B. Carmichael. Then began the land office business of selling lots with prices ranging from $4 to $20 per lot.
Chappell was incorporated as a village, the first in Deuel County, September 10, 1907, 23 years after it was platted and registered. The first trustees of Chappell, named by the county commissioners, were Fred Sudman, H.I. Babcock, Oran B. Bower, John Wertz, and Charles Soeten.
There have been the usual small town businesses over the years, including three banks, one being Deuel County State Bank, which is now Points West Community Bank. Chappell has continuously had a weekly newspaper, “The Chappell Register”, since 1887. There are several businesses in town, a medical clinic and nursing home, Creek Valley School system, and several churches. A great golf course, small lake and park system attracts people to visit Chappell. The citizens take pride in the homes and their town.